Computer security: how to protect your data?

Within a company, the data accumulated or collected is a real treasure. Indeed, a company can be a real bank of knowledge and information that enables it to progress over time. It would be catastrophic if extremely important contents were to be seen by criminals, altered, or erased In order to retrieve the most important information, you would have to start from scratch if the data were lost. In terms of data protection, what are the best practices and how to secure them to avoid the worst?

The importance of data security

Poor data protection can lead to loss, alteration, or access by people who do not have the right to consult these data. When it comes to data loss, it's far more common than you might think. There are some typical cases that can occur in any company such as a breakdown, mishandling, computer attack, theft of computer equipment, fire, or virus. You tend to believe that these situations only happen to others. It only takes one time to radically change your mind on this subject. Imagine the impact on your company's image and the time lost in finding a solution if your customer database disappeared. Imagine also if a competitor company could access your financial reports.

Best practices to secure data

To combat the risks associated with securing data, certain best practices must be followed. All computer equipment within the company must be protected against possible breakdowns, against computer attacks but also against viruses. Employees must also be made aware of this. Physical access to the equipment must be limited. Within the company, it will be necessary to note the entries and exits, set up anti-theft devices on the computer equipment, install a video surveillance system, or contact a security company.

Opt for backup systems to secure data

Nevertheless, a backup system must be provided to prepare for the worst. You must then make regular backups. In order to know when to do so, certain parameters must be considered. Is the company prepared to lose data that were recorded 24 hours ago, a week ago, a month ago, etc., and will it be able to restore them quickly? Regarding the backup method, the company has several options to choose from: using external media, a backup server, or SaaS software.

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